Expansion of PCs lead to connecting web-sites, e-mail, chat and sharing of files, devices (printers, scanners, etc.) In the same moment with virtualization and emulation of one OS on others.
In networking VPN technology by Telecommunication companies. They evolve from dedicated point-to-point circuits to virtual private network (VPN) VPN – shared access to the same physical infrastructure, in other words one physical connection emulating multiple distinct connections. Until the end of the 1990s networked computers were connected through expensive leased lines and/or dial-up phone lines.
Virtual Private Networks reduce network costs because they avoid a need for many leased lines that individually connect to the Internet. Users can exchange private data securely, making the expensive leased lines unnecessary.
Strong points of VPN are: shifting traffic as necessary, Better network balance, More control over bandwidth usage.
VPN technology allowes:
In the same time idea of virtualization came back. In beginning of XXI century when the Internet and virtualization become more accessible, an idea emerged „Let’s take the virtualization on-line!”.
The way for companies and private users to get a server they needed was sharing a physical machine through a virtual server. For example if a company needs 10 servers to run its applications it may buy one physical server and install 10 virtual servers on it
Technology that allows online virtualization grow up few years earlier in 90’s.
Drogi użytkowniku, czytelniku, kursancie, jeśli masz pomysł, by udoskonalić e-kurs, chcesz zadać pytanie, natrafiłeś/aś na jakiś problem lub chcesz wyrazić słowa uznania dla naszej pracy, napisz do nas a jeśli chcesz pozostaw swój adres e-mail, byśmy mogli Ci odpowiedzieć.