4.2.3. Public Key Encryption and Infrastructure

General Description 1/4

Public Key Encryption scheme

Public Key Encryption scheme is a cryptographic construct that makes possible (among others) creating the above mentioned certificates. The PKE is further combined with a set of procedures, agencies, software and hardware to constitute a Public Key Infrastructure.

Public Key Encryption Concepts 2/4

These are fundamental concepts for PKE:

  • pair of keys - attributed uniquely to one entity (server, client, etc.) a pair of cryptographic keys. One of them, \(sk\), is secret: remains under sole posession of the owner and must not be revealed to other parties. The other, \(pk\), can and is made publically available; by its nature it is impossible to derive \(sk\) knowing \(pk\). In reality, the keys are some large, specifically chosen numbers, and using them in calulations one can perform cryptographic operations.
  • encryption - one of the basic cryptographic operations transforming a plaintext message \(M\) into a ciphertext \(C\), using key \(k\): \[ C = Enc_{k}(M). \] By design, without knowledge of decryption key it is impossible to recover \(M\) from \(C\).
  • decryption - is the inverse of encryption, namely, with a ciphertext \(C\) of a message \(M\) and key \(k\) one can calculate \(M\): \[ M = Dec_{k}(C). \]


PKE is an asymmetric key encryption scheme, meaning that different key (from the public-secret pair) is used for encryption and for decryption.

PKE operations 3/4

Using fundamental concepts of PKE one can perform the following operations.


Suppose a user (typically called Alice) wants to communicate with another (Bob) sending an encrypted message. Let \(M\) be the plaintext message and \(pk_B\) be Bob's public key (as such it is known to Alice). Alice can then encrypt \(M\) like so: \[ C = Enc_{pk_B}(M), \] and send \(C\) to Bob. Recall that by design it is not possible to learn \(M\) from \(C\) without knowing Bob's decryption key, which happens to be his secret key, \(sk_B\). Bob computes: \[ M = Dec_{sk_B}(C) \] thus retrieving message.


Conversly, suppose that Alice wants to send a message \(M\) to Bob, but now the condition is that Bob must be sure that what he gets is the message from Alice. She calculates, using her secret key: \[ \sigma = Enc_{sk_A}(M), \] and sends \(\sigma\) to Bob. On receipt, Bob uses Alice's public key and calculates: \[ M = Dec_{pk_A}(\sigma). \] Since the pair \(pk_A\) and \(sk_A\) are chosen so, only applying \(pk_A\) to \(\sigma\) yields \(M\), so Bob can be sure that \(\sigma\) was created using \(sk_A\), which in turn must be only in posession of Alice's.

There are different implementations of encryption and signing schemes and some will be discussed later. For now let \(\sigma = Sign(sk, M)\) and \(Verify(pk, \sigma, M)\) be signing and signature verification algorithms under PKE pair of keys (\(pk, sk\)), public and secret, respectively.

Certificate issuing and use

Define a certificate \(CE\) to be a tuple: \((id, P, \sigma_{CA})\), where \(id\) is an identifier of the certificate owner, \(P\) is some set of properties of the owner, among which is the owner's public key, and \(\sigma_{CA}\) is the signature of Certificate Authority (CA) under \(id,P\). The CA is a publically trusted centre that is a recognised organization responsible for issuing certificates (or an organization that obtained right to issue certificates from some other CA). The public keys of all CA's are widely known and published so that each user of the Internet has access to them.

Suppose Alice has the following certificate: \(CE = (Alice, pk_A, \sigma_{CA})\). When Bob wants to make sure that only Alice will be able to understand their communication, he proceeds as follows:

  1. Request Alice's certificate CE.
  2. With CA's public key \(pk_{CA}\) run \(Verify(pk_{CA}, \sigma_{CA}, pk_A)\) and confirm verification. Since CA has signed the certificate CE, it must have verified if \(pk_A\) in fact belongs to Alice; consequently, if \(\sigma_{CA}\) is valid, then \(pk_A\) must be Alice's.
  3. Use \(pk_A\) as encryption key with communication with Alice. As shown above, only Alice can decrypt message encrypted with her public key.


Observe, that even if Charles took place of Alice, then in step 1. above, Charles could send only Alice's CE (he might have overheard it some time ago), and Bob would verify its validity. However, using in step 3. \(pk_A\) (obtained from the certificate) with communication with Charles would still keep the communication secure - Charles doesn't know Alices secret key and thus cannot decrypt Bob's message.

Public Key Infrastructure 4/4

To make possible such use of certificates the whole infrastructure must be maintained. Among others:

  • Certificate Authorities are responsible for issuing certificates, maintaining public keys, etc.
  • Lists of revoked certificates must be maintained and distributed. A certificate is revoked when it expires, or gets compromised (eg. secret key used for signing it has been revealed).

Notably, there are alternatives to PKI such as Web of Trust or Simple PKI.

Projekt Cloud Computing – nowe technologie w ofercie dydaktycznej Politechniki Wrocławskiej (UDA.POKL.04.03.00-00-135/12)jest realizowany w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki, Priorytet IV. Szkolnictwo wyższe i nauka, Działanie 4.3. Wzmocnienie potencjału dydaktycznego uczelni w obszarach kluczowych w kontekście celów Strategii Europa 2020, współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego i budżetu Państwa