7.6. USA and cloud security

US issues 1/1

Specific issues for cloud security in the US

  1. disclosure of data to the government (strictly contradicting EU approach)
  2. security breaches - notification obligations (now followed in EU in a similar way)


  • Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA); Stored Communications Act (SCA)
  • almost 30 years old regulations
  • outdated concepts, not reflecting reality of cloud computing
  • data stored more than 180 days are considered as abandoned   read more 
  • "abandoned" data can be requested by authorities without any judicial review
  •   https://it.ojp.gov/default.aspx?area=privacy&page=1285  

USA Patriot Act

  • USA Patriot Act from 2011 and 2005
  • government access to cloud data:
    • Notwithstanding section 604 or any other provision of this title, a consumer reporting agency shall furnish a consumer report of a consumer and all other information in a consumersfi le to a government agency authorized to conduct investigations of, or intelligence or counterintelligence activities or analysis related to, international terrorism when presented with a written certification by such government agency that such information is necessary for the agency's conduct or such investigation, activity or analysis.
  • confidentiality:
    • No consumer reporting agency, or officer, employee, or agent of such consumer reporting agency, shall disclose to any person, or specify in any consumer report, that a government agency has sought or obtained access to information under subsection
    cloud providers obliged to not inform the users of the request to copy their data to the government.
  •   http://www.justice.gov/archive/ll/highlights.htm  

Projekt Cloud Computing – nowe technologie w ofercie dydaktycznej Politechniki Wrocławskiej (UDA.POKL.04.03.00-00-135/12)jest realizowany w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki, Priorytet IV. Szkolnictwo wyższe i nauka, Działanie 4.3. Wzmocnienie potencjału dydaktycznego uczelni w obszarach kluczowych w kontekście celów Strategii Europa 2020, współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego i budżetu Państwa