Stages of business process discovery

The lifecycle for a business process application begins when a process owner calls attention to their process by initiating process discovery and documentation activities. We call this first step identification, whereby we recognize that there is a process by naming the process and its owner in our process inventory.
- Add process to the documenting tool.
- Conduct first interview with process owner.
Assessment begins when we consider an identified business process for further investigation. The key impetus in the decision to continue investing in discovery activities is an assessment of the business impact and how the impact compares to the impact of other processes.
- Conduct Process Improvement and Discovery Workshop.
- Prepare solution proposal for stakeholder review.
Documenting a business process begins as soon as the process is identified with a name and process owner. Discovery involves interviews with participants and stakeholders, to understand and document the process model, user stories, key performance indicators, problems, risks, pain points, and critical success factors.
- More workshops modeling the as-is process.
- Validate system integrations and IT requirements.
Analysis begins when the boundaries, goals, and problems of the as-is process are fully understood.. Process analysis leads to a solution approach and to a proposed to-be process.
- More workshops analyzing the as-is process.
- More workshops modeling the to-be process.
- Prepare and present Playback Zero.