

1. Business Process Management is a(n):

2. Business processes define:

3. BPM provides strategies for managing: 

4. To achieve the desired level of process performance and deliver customer value, process metrics must:

5. Process measures used to align team performance to process performance are:

6. IBM Business  Process Manager key components  are pages: (1), chart (2), scoreboards (3) and reports (4). What is the hierarchy of them (first – the most global, consist of following elements):

7. Business process discovery should normally be completed in:

8. The stages of proces discovery include:

9. Process ownership is determined on the basis of:

10. When setting up the business processes inventory, it is necessary to gather the following data:

11. Identify which of the below listed activities are primary to a retail shops chain as PRIMARY ACTIVITY:

12. Identify which of the below listed activities are primary to a retail shops chain as SUPPORT ACTIVITY:

13. A 2-3 day Process Improvement and Discovery Workshop is organized to begin preliminary discovery and documenting the business impact and technical feasibility of implementing a process solution. It includes:

(A) Identifying business drivers. (B) Understanding the process. (C) Assessing business impact. (D) Defining. (E) Preliminary analysis.

Match these undertakings with the specific objectives that best characterize each of them.

I.To identify simple process improvements that can be made when managing the process with BPM tools.
II. To determine the the impact and importance of the process, key performance indicators and service level agreements.
III. To formulate a common understanding of the process and its business impact between its owner, SME’s and experts responsible for its implementation in BPM tools.
IV. To form a perspective that places the process on the enterprise value chain and matches it to corporate objectives. To list the process risks and issues, should the process remain as is.
V. To define the business process, proposed approach, and next steps for a successful solution approach and solution design.

14. The SIPOC analysis method (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers) is used for defining the business details for each activity in a process. Let’s consider a hypothetical activity of preparing a purchase order in the process of procurement of office materials in a business organization. Indicate which of the listed statements should be allocated to the main SIPOC categories:

(A) Suppliers. (B) Inputs. (C) Outputs. (D) Customers.

The listed statements are as follows:

I. Employee requesting some stationary.
II. Order for stationary.
III. Approved purchase order.
IV. Price estimate.
V. Purchase acceptance/rejection decision.
VI. Supplier.
VII. Supply bid.
VIII. Funding.

15. When a process inventory is completed, the selection of processes for analysis (and ultimately for BPM solution) is based on:

16. The pains connected with each business process are documented in Blueworks Live as problems. Each problem is assessed in terms of severity and frequency. Assume that one of the identified problems is: Lack of coordination – different departments require conflicting actions from the customer. Identify, which of the following facts established during the process discovery workshop will affect the severity and which frequency.

(A) The situation occurs only when the customer’s case is not typical.
(B) The situation extends the time needed to handle the customer significantly.
(C) The situation may expose the company to liability claims.
(D) Such situations occur no more than once in a few weeks.
(E) The situations require special routes for their handling in the business process.

17. User stories describe the As-Is process handling in a company. A good user story must be:

(A) Independent. (B) Negotiable. (C) Valuable. (D) Estimable. (E) Small. (F) Testable.

Match the descriptions that best characterize each of these requirements.

I. It is important that the stories may be combined, split, modified or clarified during the iterative development cycle to fit the timeline.
II. The story must contain the facts and supporting details needed to determine the effort required to implement them in BPM tools.
III. The understanding of the story does not rely on information contained in another user story.
IV. The story should contain all the pertinent details needed to simulate it.
V. The stories should not be epic. Large stories should be split into smaller ones.
VI. The stories should not be too technical; they should focus on the business value to the stakeholders.

18. When a process inventory is completed, the selection of processes for analysis (and ultimately for BPM solution) is based on:

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